Zendesk integration

Zendesk integration

Zendesk-Jira Integration

Zendesk is a platform that assists in providing support to customers. Zendesk can be integrated with Jira usign two apps, one on Zendesk and the second in Jira. These apps are listed below, along with a setup guide.

Known issues

Missing ‘jira_escalated’ label

Using the Zendesk-Jira integration tool it is possibel to create a Jira ticket through Zendesk. When a Ticket is created through Zendesk the issue is given a label automatically called ‘jira_escalated’. This label is hard coded and will always be generated by tickets created by Zendesk.

Issue creation in Zendesk

Issue in Jira

Issue creation in Zendesk

Issue in Jira



However, the ‘jira_escalated’ label is added to the issue after the ‘Issue created’ event. As such the issue does not have the label when it is processed by JEMH. This can result in some processes such as user made scripts failing as they may depend on the ‘jira_escalated’ label.

This issue only applies to the ‘jira_escalated’ label when it is auto created, if a user manually adds the label to the issue in Zendesk, the label will be present.

The solution to this issue is to remove dependency to the ‘jira_escelated’ label from scripts and use other fields to identify issues created by Zendesk. Information on how this can be done can be found in this article, under ‘Custom Fields’:

Missing Data at ‘Issue Created’ event

When using the Zendesk - Jira integration tool alongside feature such as JEMH Templates, Information relating to the issue may not be present and thus cannot be used. This table illustrates when data added by users is available for use at the Issue creation event.

Data set at Zendesk - Jira Issue create

Data available at Issue creation event.

Data set at Zendesk - Jira Issue create

Data available at Issue creation event.

Data Field left ‘Blank’

Default Jira Value used during event, set to ‘Blank’ after event.

Data field set to valid value on issue creation screen.

Value available during issue creation event.

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