Profile import timeout error

Profile import timeout error


The profile import timeout error is caused when the process of importing the JEMH profile XML exceeds 20 minuets processing time. This is due to the profile in question being significantly larger than a typical profile or to a network failure. The timeout is set to catch when a network is unresponsive but could also be triggered by a large profile being imported.


This is an issue as JEMH will have imported some amount of the profile in the 20 minuet import window. This will leave your JEMH holding an incomplete profile.


Before attempting any of these solutions, it is recommended you delete the previous import attempt to remove duplication.

Reduce the workload

A solution to assist in the import of your profile is to reduce the demands of the process. This can be achieved by deselecting the options to Auto-create Missing projects, Auto-create Missing Custom Fields, Fix Users, and Fix Issue Types on the profile import screen.

Depending on the profile, these functions can be very time consuming and may be causing your profile to take to long to process.

Retry import

If your profile has partially imported, some of the workload such as project creation has already been carried out. Another attempt at importing may have a reduced workload and be able to import within the time frame.