Use Aliases

Use Aliases


Aliases are used in conjunction with Directives and Field Processors to allow replacement of values with 'JIRA specific' values, enabling selects to be set, priorities, etc.


Here are some examples using the AtPrefix Field Processor Directive format, bold italic values are JIRA defined values


Incoming Directive

Example related Alias applied

resulting key/value pair used



Incoming Directive

Example related Alias applied

resulting key/value pair used


key aliasing with key-value replacement


important == priority = highest


The supplied value important is found as an Alias, that has a value priority=highest that is then applied in place of the supplied value

key+value aliasing with different key-value replacement


importance=high == priority=highest


The supplied value importance=high is found as an Alias (matching on the entire key and value), the value of the Alias is priority=highest that is then used to replace of the entire key/value supplied

key replacement


Thing == priority


The supplied key Thing is found as an Alias for priority and is replaced to make a final supplied value priority=highest

value replacement


unknown == highest


(In standard field processors in 1.7.28+ - feature already exists in the Regexp Field Processor) The supplied key priority is retained, the value unknown is found to be an Alias match, and is replaced with the value highest resulting in a final supplied value of priority=highest

Inbound Key/Key+Value aliasing.

To shorten a more long winded Directive (@issueType=Improvement) into something easier to remember (@idea). The value may contain an equals sign which is used to break out a key and a value that will replace the 'idea' alias at processing time. An Alias can be created as follows:

No Directive Characters

When creating Aliases, they are not specific to a field processor, no @ prefixes should be used etc.

Create an Alias

After saving

Configuration View

Create an Alias

After saving

Configuration View




Inbound Key aliasing

To convert a given key from an externally provided value to an alternate field, aliases can be used to perhaps to avoid collision with an existing field, e.g. a provided field 'components' is going to be interpreted as the JIRA field, perhaps it needs to be Aliased to 'Remote Components' that could be a custom field.

Add the Alias

Create a Test Case

See the Issue Created

Add the Alias

Create a Test Case

See the Issue Created




Inbound Value aliasing

currently this only implemented in the Regexp Field Processor, others will follow.

Recently, as part of features added to the Regexp Field Processor, JEMH now also supports discrete Value Aliasing (specifically used in the Regexp Field Processor, others to follow. This allows remote system values to be mapped into JIRA specific values, for example, if a remote system says priority: awfully important, the value awfully important could be aliased to major. etc.

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