Send Hint Notifications to Non-Jira Email senders of failure to create/comment


A email is sent by a person with a Jira user account sends an email from an address which is not associated to their Jira Account. In this scenario the sender should be notified that the email was sent from a Non-Jira email address, so they can re-send the email form their email account associated to the Jira Account.


To send Notifications to Email-Only users, your Profile should be configured to:

  1. Send Hint Notifications on a ‘Reject’ processing outcome

  2. Configure an ‘Allow list’ to only allow email addresses associated with a Jira account to be processed through JEMH

  3. Configure the ‘Blacklist Action’ to ‘Reject’

  4. Create and set a custom ‘Hint Notification’ TemplateSet for the notification

Enable Hint Notifications

JEMH Hint Notifications (or Hint-O-Grams) are enabled through the Notifications section of the JEMH Profile at:

  • JEMH > Profile > Notifications > Hint-O-Gram enabled?

For more info please see:

Configure Jira Account Whitelist, and Rejection Outcome

JEMH’s Whitelist can be configured to only allow email addresses associated to a Jira Account to be handled. This is enabled via a checkbox in the ‘Whitelist’ section of the JEMH Profile at:

  • JEMH > Profile > Whitelist > Whitelist > Sender Must Have Account

Processing Outcome

For JEMH Hint Notifications to be sent, the processing outcome for blacklisted emails must be set to ‘Reject’. This is also configured through the Profiel Whitelist section at:

  • JEMH > Profile > Whitelist > Blacklist > Blacklist Match Handling

Custom Notification

Create a custom Hint Notification TemplateSet through the 'Template Sets' section of JEMH at:

  • JEMH > Template Sets > Hintogram > +

For specific information on creating Custom Template Sets please see the following page:

Once a Template is created, modify the TEXT and HTML parts, the hint script can be ALL the default TEXT and separately HTML that the default template has.  The 'else' text /html (if you write it) will then be sent to the external party.

#if ($!actionUser) the default hint script #else Yo, email user, you are denied. #end

Inhibit for Jira users? 

Yes, you can do this for Hint Notifications too:

$jemhUtils.setInhibitSendingReason("dont send to JIRA account holders")

Apply Custom Template

Once created and modified to include the custom logic, the Hint Template can be applied to the Hint notification through the ‘Templates’ Section of your JEMH Profile configuration at:

  • JEMH > Profile > Email > Templates > Hintogram TemplateSet

When an Email only user sends an email to the Jira Mailbox, the configured Hint email will now be sent to the email sender.

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