Know what template/macro data JEMH is caching
Know what template/macro data JEMH is caching
JEMH Caches templates and user macro content for performance, these are replaced over time, but, until now, there wasn't a way of just checking what was in there, now there is (admin authorized users only):
In 1.7.19, there is new diagnostic REST API, not integrated with the UI (yet)
Output lists templates and macros, including their individual sizes, and a summary of overall size
{templateStatus: [{
cssSource: 0,
commentHeader: false,
transportKey: "default-email",
issueEvent: 6,
subjectLen: 53,
textLen: 659,
htmlLen: 599,
name: "Standard event template",
id: 1,
type: 1
userMacroStatus: [{
cachedKeyCount: 0,
userMacroLength: 0
templateCachedCount: 1,
templateCachedDataSize: 1311,
macroCachedCount: 1,
macroCachedDataSize: 0