Remove Internal comments from an Ad-Hoc Notification
JEMH will not send internally comments to Non-Agent or Non-Collaborator recipients in a Jira Service Management (JSM) project. If an Internal Comment is added during a transition, such as when closing an issue, Customer Users will not receive a notification. A workaround to this issue is to use an Ad-Hoc notification
Ad-Hoc Notifications
Ad-Hoc notifications sent as part of JEMH Post Function are not inhibited by comment visibility. For more info see:
Because Ad-hoc Notifications are not inhibited customers who should not receive internal comments could be sent internal comments.
The Script
The following script can be used as part of a larger Ad-hoc notification to allow/remove comments.
#if ($!comment && !$jemhUtils.isPrivateJSDComment($comment.getAuthorApplicationUser(),$comment))
#if ($!comment && !$jemhUtils.isPrivateJSDComment($comment.getAuthorApplicationUser(),$comment))
Example in Use
Issue Resolved transition:
Used in place of an Issue Closed Notification, the following template will update Customers of an issue closed event without displaying an internal comment:
#set ($resolution = "<strong>$textutils.htmlEncode(${issue.getResolutionObject().getNameTranslation($i18n)}, false)</strong>")
#defaultMailHeaderWithParam("email.event.activity.closed.issue", $changelogauthor, $resolution)
#if ($comment && !$jemhUtils.isPrivateJSDComment($comment.getAuthorApplicationUser(),$comment))
#set ($issueTitleBody="#parse('templates/email/html/includes/patterns/issue-title.vm')")
#if ($changelog)
#set ($changelogBody="#parse('templates/email/html/includes/fields/changelog.vm')")
#set ($commentActionBody="#parse('templates/email/html/includes/patterns/comment-action.vm')")
Issue Resolution
Resolution Notification