Injecting comments
Injecting comments
Adding comments into adhoc can increase the size of the content a lot.
Example script
This script works with Software and JSM Project types, it excludes (Software) comments that have a Visibility Level (Role / Group) set that would typically not be expected to be sent to external parties, same goes for (JSM) internal comments.
The $wikiRenderer.render($comment.getBody(),null)
is required to convert the markup of the comment body to HTML.
#set ($projectType = $issue.getProjectObject().getProjectTypeKey().getKey())
<h3>Heading injected into $issue.getKey()</h3>
#set ($commentList = $allComments.getComments($issue))
#if ($commentList.size()>0)
#foreach ($comment in $commentList)
#set ($commentAuthor = $comment.getAuthorApplicationUser())
#if ( ($projectType=="software" && !$comment.getRoleLevel() && !$comment.getGroupLevel())
|| ($projectType=="service_desk" && !$jemhUtils.isPrivateJSDComment($commentAuthor,$comment)) )
#set ($javaDateFormat = $applicationProperties.getDefaultBackedString("jira.date.picker.java.format"))
#set ($formatter = $jemhDateUtils.getFormatter($javaDateFormat))
<h3>Comment <small>$commentAuthor.getDisplayName()</small> added on - $dateFormatter.format($comment.getCreated())</h3>
There are no public comments
Example JSM Issue with internal comment
Preview of the template (excludes the internal comment)
Ad hoc usage
Script is accessed through Insert > Templates, then select from the rendered templates:
Once in the content, that it, its merged:
, multiple selections available,